Curing Mental Health Problems With Safety

Curing Mental Health Problems With Safety

Many people doubt that a person can be cured from a mental illness by translating the meaning of their dreams. However, this is a tested and safe natural mental health treatment that always has positive results.

These people should in fact be afraid of psychiatry. With all my respect for the professionals who truly desire to help their patients even though the scientific knowledge of our historical time is so rudimentary, I must condemn the mental health treatments that are accepted and respected today as if they were scientific treatments, while their ‘science’ is based on dangerous theories.

The history of psychiatry was marked by many experiments that tortured the mentally ill through many ways from the beginning of its formation. Until today many patients are forced to take psychiatric medication against their will, while there is no guarantee that this medication won’t cause more problems than possible benefits to the patients’ mental health.

Many side effects like tremors and tics have been reported by patients who took psychiatric medication and felt ruined by their doctors. Some psychiatric drugs provoke suicidal tendencies and various abnormal reactions that the patients didn’t have before taking them.

There are no specific and valid tests that can help a psychiatrist verify which mental illness is affecting a certain patient. The diagnosis depends on the conclusions of the doctor.

Most psychiatrists are affiliates of drug companies. Therefore, they decide which medication every patient should have, while they make money with commissions. Thus, psychiatry is an obscure science that deals with dangerous chemical combinations, and mainly works based on marketing.

A psychiatrist is not a psychotherapist. He/she merely prescribes the medication that the patient must take according to his personal judgment, without trying to understand the psychological problems of the patient.

Even though there is no safety at all concerning psychiatric treatments, many people trust psychiatrists because they believe that these doctors are experts.

These people keep taking medications, and hoping to cure their mental health problems with the useless and dangerous chemical substances given by doctors who are gradually transforming them into vegetables without a personality. Even though they keep trying new drugs and never solving their problems, they insist on trying to solve their mental health problems this way.

They are encouraged to do so by many marketing campaigns. Psychiatric medications are promoted everywhere and accepted as if they were helpful, while they don’t cure a mental illness and their effects are very dangerous.

Since psychiatrists ignore the internal functioning of the human brain, they destroy their patients’ immune system. Even when their drugs manage to temporarily alleviate the symptoms that torture their patients, they don’t help them acquire consciousness. Besides having many side effects, these drugs cause dependence and serious withdrawal problems.

All psychiatrists and psychologists must learn how to accurately translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me in order to understand how to cure a mental illness.

The unconscious mind that produces our dreams works like a natural psychotherapist because we are absurd from birth. We need psychotherapy, and we receive it in our dreams.

I had to follow a different path in order to discover what causes mental illnesses and how they can be completely cured. If I would imitate the experts of my historical time I would merely repeat their mistakes.

Dream therapy according to the scientific method of dream interpretation is based on divine wisdom, and not on human suppositions. The scientific translations are accurate thanks to Carl Jung’s extraordinary research and discoveries, as I could prove for being able to continue his research by translating the meaning of dreams according to his method.
The unconscious psychotherapy is the only one that helps the patient recuperate the consciousness he/she lost with the invasion of the absurdity of the anti-conscience into his conscience. We cannot eliminate absurd thoughts with chemical substances and blind experiments based on suppositions.

Only the natural mental health treatment of the unconscious mind in dreams can help a person fight absurdity and find sound mental health.

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